Monday, December 18

Peninsula Weather Station

We've recently launched the first weather station on the Peninsula de Marau.

Until now, the closest weather information source has been the airport at Ilhéus. That's 4 hours or more by car to the south- a very different climate and life zone. The professional weather station uploads weather 24/7 in real time. Not yet without bugs, your patience is requested. Thanks!

Until installation is fine tuned, an overview of weather on the Peninsula. In other words, hard to beat!

Average minimum/maximum temperatures are 20-30 degrees C. (70's and 80's F.)
Average temperature, the middle somewhere.

Ocean water temperature hovers around 23 C/73 F. Although warm, the ocean is refreshing. Never tepid, ennervating.

Constant, gentle sea breezes. Wind velocity is usually under 10 mph/15 kmh

Rainfall is moderate for the Bahian coast. We'd like to see more of it for the plants.

Please check in soon for updated weather information. We'll get it sorted out, eventually..........

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